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0 northernalliance 2019年07月17日




昂山素季认为过去的缅甸名称burmar只是单一的包涵了缅族的含义,没有包涵个其它民族 ,后来的myanmar也没有包涵各个民族,也是专指缅族,所以要使用包容各个民族的国家名称(景颇大地)。






    已故缅甸军人总统耐温的景颇族名字叫:maran gam木然干。


昂山素季景颇族名字:maran jamun木然扎闷。



   Myanmar NLD to discuss amendment of country name

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi believes that the name burmar in the past only contained the meaning of the Burmese people. It did not include other ethnic groups. Later Myanmar did not include all ethnic groups, but also specifically referred to the Burmese people. Therefore, the name of the country that includes all ethnic groups should be used. Historically, Myanmar belonged to Jingpo was a country established by the Jingpo people of the Jingpo ethnic group. So far, the common language in Myanmar is indeed the Yi language, which is the same as 80 % of the vocabulary of the Jingpo language.

Laos; That's what people mean. The name of the country is inclusive of all ethnic groups, suitable for advancing the National peace process in the Union of Myanmar, is the name of the country that each ethnic group can understaccept.

Most agreed to restore the national flag to the old Federal flag of the seven stars representing the seven states(seven republics) in the past.

   There are legends prophecies circulating in Burma: little kachin children, sitting in peace(peace). 


The Burmese soldier seized power. The first military president, General Neywin, went to the village of Grape Town in Kachin State took a Jingpo name. He put an illusion on the plane put on the scenery to sit on the illusion flew to Yangon. After the ceremony began to rule. Before each of the later Burmese leaders served as the president important leader, Burmese Buddhist leaders monks asked to go to the town to complete a ceremony to take pictures of the names of the ethnic groups. This is the way to hold down Burma hold it together.

  The late Burmese military president Neywen's Jingpo family's name was: Maran gam .

The former Burmese Prime Minister Chinyo took the name of the Yang family.

Aung San Suu Kyi Jing Po ethnic name: Maran jamun Mu .

Therefore, for the sake of permanent peace in Myanmar, the name of the country should be changed to  Jinghpawl   In this way, peace tranquility will be permanent in Burma!
